Экологические Web-ресурсы - Архив

14 июля

Information about electronic media in Russia

For information about what is happening with electronic media in Russia and the CIS, check out the Internews Russia web site http://www.internews.ru (now with new information about our activities in English). The English pages include:
  • information about Internews Russia and its programs;
  • translations of Russian press articles dealing with the media;
  • reports on the media situation in Russia and other CIS countries;
  • translations and commentary on media laws in Russia and the CIS;
  • links to other media-related sites.
Readers of Russian are advised to check out the Russian pages for more complete information, including
  • Atlas of TV and Radio '98 - searchable data base of TV and radio companies in Russia
  • links to TV networks and stations, bodies regulating TV in Russia, media organizations
  • periodicals - Moscow Media Law and Policy Center, Glasnost Defense Foundation, European Audiovisual Observatory, Commission for the Free Access to Information, Era, etc.
  • helpful legal and other information for NGOs
  • research project monitoring regional news programs
  • digest of media and NGO-related news from Russian press
  • reports and publications dealing with sociological and statistical research of the Russian TV market

Marianne Ruane
Internews Russia
+7 095 956-2248, 291-2174 (fax)

10 июля


302 организаций, работающих в области охраны окружающей среды и здоровья. В директории вы найдете их почтовые и электронные адреса, описание направлений деятельности. Указан также язык, на котором работает конкретная организация.
Европейская директория размещена на страничке Интернет по адресу: http//www.oneworld.org/uned-uk/health/dirconts-htm
Если у вас нет доступа в Интернет, то копию директории можно получить, обратившись в UNED-UK к Rowshan Hannan по адресу:
3 Whitehall Court, London SW1A 2EL
Tel: +44 171 839 7171 Fax: +44 171 930 5893
Информационная служба "Эко-Согласие"

22 июня

Еще один экологический информационный сервис в Сети.

ENN Daily News
This is a free email package that goes out every day to people who want it. It should give you an idea of what we do here at ENN.
Hillary Mayell
Environmental News Network
tel: 208.726.3649 ext. 12
fax: 208.726.2476

04 июня

Dear Environmental Professional:
We now have an on-line Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Course available to you via the internet.

Check it out on our website at:
Environmental Assessment Association
1224 North Nokomis Street NE
Alexandria, Minnesota 56308

Troy E. Johnson
Executive Director

27 мая

В рамках программы, проводимой российским представительством Wetlands International осуществляется разработка "Стратегии сохранения водно-болотных угодий России".
Информация о проекте размещена в сети Интернет по адресу: http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Canopy/3453/wetlands/wetlands.html
Сайт был значительно обновлен.
Приглашаем вас принять участие в обсуждении проекта стратегии.
Пожалуйста, направляйте ваши предложения или замечания по тексту авторам конкретных разделов, либо в координационную группу (Ольге Анисимовой) до 31 мая 1999 г.
В случае вопросов обращайтесь к Александру Белокурову по адресу:
Просим вас распространить эту информацию среди коллег.
С уважением,
Александр Белокуров

14 мая

Сайт Ассоциации зеленых Карелии открыт

Дорогие друзья!
Объявляю об открытии сайта Ассоциации зеленых Карелии. Временно он размещен по адресу:
Кое-какие материалы уже можно на сайте найти.
С уважением,
Дмитрий Рыбаков, координатор Ассоциации зеленых Карелии

13 мая

New Web Page and Email List have been launched for research and information about Sindh, Pakistan and South Asia.

Visit Sindh Research's improved and enhanced Home Page at: http://www.angelfire.com/az/Sindh/index.html
and Subscribe to sindhorg-src List by sending mail to:
The page and list are being hosted by Sindh Research Council (SRC). Sindhorg is the first and the largest list (with more than 1000 subscribers) for people interested in issues of Pakistan and Sindh generally, and the Environment and Sustainable Development specifically. The WEB Page would cover the issues, initiatives and events related to Education, Research, Gender, Conservation, Legal aid, Politics, Water and Human Rights in Pakistan. Sindhorg List would welcome & encourage discussions on Natural Resources, Indus River, Kalabagh Dam, National Drainage Program (NDP), Kirthar, Ketibander Project, Kinjhar Lake, PNRDP, Social Action Program, Media, LEAD & Environment.
Ayaz Latif Palijo
Editor Sindh Research Page

Moderator SINDHORG List
Email : ayazl@paknet3.ptc.pk, src_st@hyd.netasia.com.pk, fsr5st@hotmail.com, tsf2rs@newmail.net, src_st@hotmail.com
Sender: List for Environmental Information ENVINF-L@NIC.SURFNET.NL

12 апреля


NEW YORK, New York, April 12, 1999 (ENS) - The two United Nations agencies responsible for the environment and for population have signed a cooperation agreement to address the relationship between population, natural resources and the environment, and human well-being.
Copyright Environment News Service (ENS) 1999

For Full Text and Graphics Visit:
message sent by infoterra@cedar.univie.ac.at

08 апреля

Center for Civil Society International has just uploaded a thoroughly revised and improved Web site. Regular visitors to our site will notice a different look and feel to many of the site's pages.
All of the information and resources you've come to expect from this site are still here, and hopefully more accessible than ever. (To aid in the transition to the new site, you can still access the old CCSI home page by clicking here.) Almost all of the material on the site can now be accessed from the Civic Action in Eurasia resources page. Clicking on the large graphic at the top of this page will take you there.
On the homepage itself you'll notice a featured topic (which will change more or less weekly), as well as a new item we call "Meet a New Organization." In this section we'll be profiling a new group every week that has been added to our online databank of nongovernmental organizations. We're adding new organizations all the time, so, if you haven't done so already, please submit information on your organization to CCSI.
You'll also notice the addition of a menu bar at the bottom of most pages. The items on the menu bar reflect the re-organization of the site and its priority areas. Now you can access these priority areas of CCSI's site from anywhere within the site. The CCSI logos on the bar are also e-mail links, so if you have a comment, suggestion, or question as you explore the site, please feel free to contact us. We're eager to know what you think.
Lastly, we have also uploaded a considerable amount of information on Central Asian NGOs. This effort coincides with and complements our forthcoming book, "Civil Society in Central Asia" (to be co-published with the Central Asia-Caucasus Institute at Johns Hopkins and the University of Washington Press).
Major funding for all the improvements in CCSI's Web site was provided by The Eurasia Foundation. Major credit for the re-design of our site and its implementation goes to CCSI Web site manager, Brent Roraback.
Please visit our new site, tell us how you like it, and continue to submit material for it so that it can remain the premier site on the Internet for civic action focused on the ex-Soviet states of Eurasia!
Holt Ruffin
Executive Director, CCSI
CCSI online: www.friends-partners.org/~ccsi

18 марта

New Russian-language Web site

The Washington, D.C. office of the Eurasia Foundation is pleased to announce that it has recently launched a Russian-language version of its web site.
The site can be accessed from the home page of the Foundation's English site www.eurasia.org or by going to www.eurasia.org/russian/index.html.
The Russian-language site includes contact information for all of the Foundation's offices, information on the Foundation's programs (including information on grant programs and special projects), and links to web sites maintained by the Eurasia Foundation's offices in Russia.
For more information about the Eurasia Foundation's web sites, please contact Erin Doyle, Development Coordinator, at edoyle@eurasia.org.

13 марта

теперь доступна в Интернете

Часто решение чрезвычайно важной и актуальной проблемы обезвреживания и переработки промышленных отходов тормозится из-за отсутствия обмена информацией между предприятиями и организациями об имеющихся промышленных отходах и возможностях их утилизации.
Именно такую информацию собирает и затем размещает в Интернете инициативная группа, в состав которой входят представители общественных организаций, научно-исследовательских и проектных институтов Харькова.
Адрес сервера: http://www.waste.com.ua
Предполагается создание английской версии сервера, а также издание и адресная рассылка информационного бюллетеня.
Информация на сервере регулярно обновляется. Предлагаем всем заинтересованным организациям и предприятиям участие в данном проекте. Проект осуществляется при юридической поддержке Харьковской городской общественной организации "ЭкоПраво-Харьков" и технической поддержке Интернет- провайдера компании ITL.

Для контактов:
Руководитель проекта "Мир отходов",
координатор программы "Экологический мониторинг"
Харьковского областного общества защиты прав
потребителей Ирина Попова
310052, г. Харьков, а/я 81, тел/факс (0572)12-11-05
Информационная служба "Эко-Согласие"

07 марта

Database of Conferences on Environment and Development

Two month ago LEAD launched a database of conferences on environment and development in order to provide users an easy way to find as well as to post information about conferences on those topics.
Please visit the conferences database on http://www.lead.org/Conferences/all/db.htm and feel free to post information about upcoming conferences and to give us comments on how to improve it.
Mario de Paula Leite Gouvea - mario@lead.org LEADnet Director

LEAD International, Inc. - Leadership for Environment and Development
700 Broadway, 3rd Fl.
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 460-9001
Fax: (212) 460-8633
Web site: http://www.lead.org
message sent by infoterra@cedar.univie.ac.at

01 марта


помещена в Интернете: http://www.unsystem.org/depolib
База данных содержит контактные данные (адреса, телефоны, факсы, электронную почту, адрес в Интернете) библиотек, которые регулярно получают материалы Организации Объединенных Наций, ее учреждений, агентств и международных организаций.
По данным страницы DEPOLIB, в 185 странах мира существует 1486 библиотек-депозитариев ООН.
В Российской Федерации находится 12 депозитариев, 10 из которых расположено в Москве и 2 - в Санкт-Петербурге. Крупнейшим из них является Информационный центр ООН, который открыт в Москве в 1948 г. Его библиотека и читальный зал содержат сотни тысяч документов ООН, начиная с 1946 г.
Для контактов: тел. (095)241-28-94;
Старейший депозитарий ООН - Российская Государственная библиотека (бывшая Библиотека имени Ленина).
Для контактов: тел. (095)202-33-27, факс: (095)200-22-55, e-mail: rgb@glasnet.ru. В Санкт-Петербурге с документами ООН и других международных организаций можно работать в Научной библиотеке им. Горького СПбГУ на Университетской набережной 7/9.
Со страницы DEPOLIB вы можете напрямую связаться с каталогами публикаций ООН, ФАО (Всемирной продовольственной организации), Всемирной организации гражданской авиации, МОТ (Всемирной организации труда), ЮНЕСКО (Организации ООН по науке, культуре и образованию), Всемирного банка и ВОЗ (Всемирной организации здравоохранения).
На странице ВОЗ приведены адреса библиотек, располагающих национальными коллекциями публикаций этой организации во многих странах мира.
Для контактов:depolib@unicc.org
"Эко-Согласие" - ФМС
координатор проекта В.Элиас

19 февраля

Products of the STEP project now in www

A new website has been opened to introduce the environmental learning material developed within the STEP (Special Training for Environmentally-sound Production) project during the years 1996-1998.
At the location http://www.tek.fi/step you can find details of the textbook on Life Cycle Assessment written by Bo Weidema, an introduction to Environmental Entrepreneur Software (an environmentally oriented business game for PC) and information on the Integrated Environmental Management course concept. You will find a comprehensive list of environmental learning material and other publications produced within the STEP project and earlier EU funded training projects coordinated by The Finnish Association of Graduate Engineers TEK. You can order copies of the publications easily using e-mail.
You can find the major articles of the most recent EEE Bulletin (2/98). A selection of articles published in earlier issues should be available soon. We also intend to publish a regularly updated Eco-Calendar on this site offering information about forthcoming environmental conferences and seminars across Europe. We will be happy to receive information you may find useful to include in the calendar, but we reserve the right to select the material to be published. Any comments and suggestions are welcome via the Feedback function of the site.
Happy surfing!
STEP project staff
BALLERINA (http://www.baltic-region.net) - the Environmental Gateway to the Baltic Region

12 февраля

ID21News Issue No.21 February 8th 1999

The ID21 online collection contains hundreds of policy-relevant research digests on critical global development issues, drawn from over 40 major UK-based economics and social studies departments and think-tanks, together with a wide range of NGO research departments and consultants. This Newsletter brings you regular updates of the latest additions to the collection. To see the whole collection visit our Web-site at: http://www.id21.org
Please forward this newsletter to other interested colleagues.
Created by the ID21 Online Team:
Robert Lamb - Senior Editor
Alistair Scott - Internet Coordinator
Fiona Power - Information Assistant

ID21 is enabled by the UK Department for International Development and hosted by the Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex If you have any problems or queries contact us at: id21@ids.ac.uk
Views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of id21 or other contributing institutions. Unless stated otherwise articles may be copied or quoted without restriction, provided id21 and originating author(s) and institution(s) are acknowledged.
Copyright 1999 id21.
Alexander S. Karpov email: ask@spb.org.ru

09 февраля

Environmental Newsletter reviews of environmental issues

The free Environmental Newsletter reviews each month an environmental topic. Each issue of the Environmental Newsletter contains links to full text articles, web books and reports that provide useful information and data to learn the environmental topic. When you subscribe the Environmental Newsletter you will learn each month about a different environmental subject and increase your knowledge of environmental issues without having to spend time searching by yourself.
You can subscribe to the free Environmental Newsletter and read some sample back issues at:
Eduardo Peirano emapey@adinet.com.uy

22 января

USAID Environmental Web site

USAID has created a Web site with information about USAID- sponsored environmental projects in Eastern Europe and Eurasia. The site contains an overview of USAID's environmental projects in each of the countries in the region, plus a selection of detailed project reports. It also has a links section and a monthly newsletter.
USAID is the United States Agency for International Development.
Center for Civil Society International

17 января

Sustainable Development and the Americas

Sustainable Development and the Americas
compiled by Ron Mader
Version 5.0 - January 1999
The following list of Internet websites have information on sustainable development, and either have data from Latin America or materials that are relevant to this region.
While there is an abundance of conceptual theory, there is still a lack of up-to-date information on criteria, implementation and working groups. Why so much babble about what one respondent called "trickle down sustainability" is the major disappointment of the 1990s.
This is an independent directory which strives to be objective about the information that is or is not online. It was created to assist me in my own reporting on environmental business, and it has proven useful to other reporters, students, policy-makers and entrepreneurs. This index is one of the most popular pages on the Eco Travels in Latin America website (http://www.planeta.com).
Here's the way this page works: Newer sites are added at the top. Comments taken from the sources themselves are placed in quotation marks. This list is frequently updated to reflect the truth about the internet - just like Texas weather - websites seem to change every five minutes!
Ron Mader,
Author and Webhost
Planeta: Eco Travels in Latin America
Planeta.com website mission
Author's bibliography

Clearinghouse approved
- Communications Initiative is a partnership between The Rockefeller Foundation, UNICEF, USAID, WHO, BBC World Service, CIDA, Johns Hopkins University's Center for Communication Programming, UNFPA, Soul City and Panos. Unfortunately, there is little on this website to show how the initiative began or for how long it will run. Among the best features on this site are Drum Beat
http://www.comminit.com/drum_beat.html and News features (http://www.comminit.com/news.html). Information is a little outdated, but useful for anyone interested in communications and development issues. For more information, contact Warren Feek - email: wfeek@coastnet.com
Updated: http://www.wbcsd.ch
World Business Council for Sustainable Development: What a good good idea - entrepreneurs working to protect the environment, talking about eco-efficiency and corporate social responsibility. But it's unclear what the group really does. Publications are available, in PDF format unfortunately. The WBCSD produces the quarterly Trade and Environment Bulletin (http://www.wbcsd.ch/mediaonly.htm#trade), which offers a good review of current news in this field. Email: info@wbcsd.ch
Updated: http://www.rds.org.mx/
Red de Desarrollo Sostenible - Mexico: This is a network of "groups committed to sustainable development and member of the UNDP-SDNP (United Nations Development Programme-Sustainable Development Network Programme." The site boasts a good collection of online publications. It's unclear, though, who's in charge, how the network is financed or what the direction of this group will be. Be sure to check out the daily Informacion Ambiental synthesis of Mexican environmental and economic news - http://www.rds.org.mx/noti/ - an UTNE Reader for Mexican environmental news stories in Spanish. I'll cross my fingers this isn't a short-lived experiment. Email: info@rds.org.mx
Updated: http://www.infoweb.co.cr/redlat/
Latin American Network of Strategies Towards Sustainability: Based in Costa Rica, this seems to be one of the most active information networks in the region. It has links to Agroforestry and Environmental Protection Project in Central America and Caribean Area, ANCON: National Society for Nature Conservancy, Panama. What's missing are links or information from smaller environmental groups and activists. It's a good start! Email: igutie@infoweb.co.cr
Updated: http://www-esd.worldbank.org/html/esd/esdvp/esdvp.htm
World Bank - Environmentally Sustainable Development: Content-bereft - this site has a list of tempting publications, none of which are available via the website and a calendar of events that is available only to World Bank staff: "The ESD Calendar of Events and Outputs is available only to World Bank staff that are accessing the Internet through the Bank's connection. People not in the Bank can not access this page." This is an embarrassment! For such an important division, it's a shame there is no documentation available to the public here. No email and don't even try to connect to the calendar section! (I would *love* to write a more positive review of the online archive - let me know when the website is updated)
Updated: http://www.lead.org/
Leadership for Environment and Development (LEAD) "was formed in 1991. In each LEAD member country or regions, approximately 15 promising mid-career are recruited from a broad range of disciplines and professional sectors to become Associates in the two-year program." Empty virtual conference halls and out-of-date contact lists hampers this resource. What does LEAD actually do in Latin America? Email: lead@lnsc.lead.org
Sustainable Development Reporting Project is an archive of articles written by John Burnett, an Austin, Texas-based reporter, who also prepared audio versions of this series for National Public Radio. This is an excellent snapshot of sustainable development in Mexico and Central America.
Earth Council was created at the 1992 Earth Summit, and though it's had a website for some time, only recently has Earth Council developed into a content-rich archive. For example, in 1998 it launched a directory of the National Councils for Sustainable Development and similar entities (NCSD) at http://www.ncsdnetwork.org in case you'd like to know who are the official promoters of sustainable development in your country. My only complaint with the website is that while it looks great, it's very difficult get a response. But you can try! Email: eci@terra.council.ac.cr
Sustainable Development: Implications for World Peace was a 1996 conference held in Austin, Texas. Some of the papers are online as well as conference photos. Unfortunately, some of the links aren't working and the host does not respond to emails... Many of the papers, such as Sustaining Peace in Central America: The Challenges of the Central American Alliance for Sustainable Development tend to relay too heavily on what the institutions say they are doing instead of reviewing actual progress. Another paper, Philip Howard's Unsustainable Development and Conflict in Chiapas is listed but never has been accessible online.
Red de Desarrollo Sostenible: Guatemala No doubt part of the United Nation's labrynth, this website has some good info online and the requisite links to other official organizations. There should be more information about what is happening in Guatemala, but this archive is rather dry. Stay tuned... Email: info@rds.org.gt
The International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) is a non-profit organization established and supported by the Governments of Canada and Manitoba. IISD's mandate is to promote sustainable development in decision making within government, business and the daily lives of individuals in Canada and the world. Looking for indicators of Sustainable Development. Look at the compendium online http://iisd.ca/measure/compendium.htm. This is a beautiful site! Email: hcreech@iisdpost.iisd.ca
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP) publishes or distributes a series of bulletins in both English and Spanish, including BRIDGES Weekly Trade News Digest, Connection to the Americas, Intellectual Property & Biodiversity News, NAFTA & Inter-American Trade Monitor, El Monitor de NAFTA y Comercio Interamericano, IATP Propiedad Intelectual y Biodiversidad Noticias. The Minnesota-based center has a long history of promoting responsible trade and its publications are a model of advocacy journalism.
Email: iatp-info@iatp.org
Chile Environment Report produced by the Chile Information Project offers an excellent online archive of weekly reports and an index of environmental groups. A recent newsletter reviewed Sustainable Development and the failure of the second Earth Summit: http://www.chiper.cl/library/009.html. Contact: Graham Lewis. Email: ??
Context Institute is a content-rich website, focusing on "sustainable culture." Great resource for planetary thinking. Email: webmaster@context.org
Sustainable Sources is archived on the same sever as the Eco Travels website, though the sites are independent. Sustainable Sources includes the Sustainable Building Sourcebook - one of the best practical archives of information on green building. Email: billc@greenbuilder.com
The Organization of American States' Inter-Sectoral Unit for Tourism has a brand new website. The OAS is very uneven - its trade related archives are some of the best on the net. The "Sustainable Development" program is terrible - especially in its promotion of public participation. But this section shows great promise. Email: ?
The Social Programs and Sustainable Development Department (SDS) of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB): "has launched a new web site focusing on environmental and social development in Latin America." The archive has great potential and the site gives a good heads up on coming events. Problems - the search function does not work and there is no text-only access. In search for specific documents, there are no progress reports - for example - on the environmental loans to Honduras. Email Martin Chrisney: martinc@iadb.org
Eco-Village Information Service: Check out the communities around the world which have a holistic connection to the environment. The site includes the Global Eco-village Network (GEN), as well as a list of other resources and a calendar of events. Email: heidi@gaia.org
The Business Council for Sustainable Development - Latin America is a new web site which offers general pages on the history and mission of the BSCD. New online pages include information on the first interamerican conference on joint implementation and sustainabledevelopment, held in San Salvador and the BCSD-LA document "Sustainable Development in Latin America. Private Enterprise & Common Sense." Email: bcsdla@campus.mty.itesm.mx
Official Summit of the Americas Website: A hemispheric disappointment, the December 1996 Summit attracted just a dozen leaders from the Americas, and little substantial proress was made. The lack of public awareness of the summit was matched by institutional arrogance and lack of resolve. This well-produced website was produced by the Secretariat of the Summit of the Americas in collaboration with the Sustainable Development Network of Bolivia and Virtual Production Services, with funding from the Government of the Netherlands. You can request documents via electronic mail. Email: cumbdocs@cumbre-summit.org
CIAT-UNEP Environmental and Sustainability Indicators: This page features a Regional Roster of Experts and Institutions working on Environmental and Sustainability Indicators and is part of the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT). Email: ciat@cgnet.com
PLEDS: "The Resource Directory was developed by the Fundacion Acceso at the request of the Business Leadership for Sustainable Development Program (PLEDS) an initiative of INCAE (the Central American Business Institute). This Network of 50 members from 18 countries of Latin America seeks to motivate the region's young business leaders to undertake specific projects in support of the sustainable development of their companies, sectors, and countries by providing them with access to practical business information, personal references, management training, and opportunities for dialogue both within the network as well as with professionals in other sectors. Part of the Acceso project at http://www.acceso.org. Email: facceso@sol.racsa.co.cr
RAFI: This is a wonderful, content-rich site! RAFI is an international non-governmental organization headquartered in Ottawa, Ontario (Canada) and with affiliate offices in Pittsboro, North Carolina (USA). "RAFI is concerned about the loss of genetic diversity - especially in agriculture - and about the impact of intellectual property rights on agriculture and world food security." Email: rafican@web.apc.org http://americas.fiu.edu/
AmericasNet: Florida International University's Summit of the Americas Center has a site that's that frequently has high-tech video or audio conferences, but few documents or archives. It also tends toward an institutional focus - regardless of whether progress is being made. Email: summit@americas.fiu.edu http://www.mother.com/agaccess
agAccess - Sustainable Agricultural Sources is an "agricultural and horticultural publishing company dedicated to sustainable agriculture through the worldwide publication and distribution of high quality, practical information." Includes information on international sources. Email: agaccess@davis.com
Sustainable Development Dimensions is an excellent new site hosted by the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Information is divided into four areas: People, Institutions, Knowledge and Environment. The site is updated monthly. Includes information in Spanish. Email: Graeme.Thomas@fao.org
The U.S. Department of Energy's Center of Excellence for Sustainable Development "will offer information and technical advice to help communities become more energy efficient and environmentally sound." Contact Jeff Birkby via email: jbirkby@ncat.org
PRODERS: Mexico's regional program for sustainable development run by the Environmental Secretariat (SEMARNAP) is an exemplary web site. Mexico demonstrates great leadership in distributing information on this topic.
United Nations Environment Programme remains a disappointment. They say: "Geneva is a leading center for international treaties and major programmes dealing with the environment and sustainable development. Most of these activities are sponsored by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) or by the UN Department for Policy Coordination and Sustainable Development (DPCSD)." I would ask that there be more specific information here - perhaps there will be developments in late 1997. Email:Webmaster@unep.ch
United Nations Environment Program, Work Group on Sustainable Product Development: Includes information about the working group, its database, links to other environmental web pages, the newsfax archive and information on joining the program. Email:unep@unep.frw.uva.nl
The United Nations Department for Policy Coordination and Sustainable Development has a Division of Sustainable Development and information from the Rio-created Commission for Sustainable Development (CSD). Email:dpcsd@un.org
Organization of the American States: "The OAS' Department of Regional Development and Environment conducts technical cooperation and training programs to assist the member States in their efforts to preserve their natural resources. It works with the countries on planning sustainable development, managing the environment and preparing investment programs and projects." The site has some country-specific reports, though none online and the website offers few contacts. Pages include a Proposal to Create a Sustainable Development Unit and the Bolivia Summit. Email:Info@OAS.ORG
http://www.iclei.org/ The International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) is the international environmental agency for local governments. More than 200 municipalities from 43 countries participated in the founding of the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) at the World Congress of Local Governments for a Sustainable Future held in September, 1990 at the United Nations in New York. Email: 75361.3043@compuserve.com
Environment Australia: Documents available include summaries of Australia's National Strategy for Ecologically Sustainable Development (NSESD), the InterGovernmental Agreement on the Environment (IGAE) and National Reports to the UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD). Information on environmental economics and links to other sites with sustainable development information are also included.
International Development Research Centre (Ottawa, Canada) is pledged to building a sustainable and equitable world. To meet this challenge, the Centre has focused its efforts on five multi-disciplinary themes: Biodiversity, Poverty and environmental damage, Food systems under stress, Information and communication and Technology and the environment. Email: pub@idrc.ca
International Institute for Environment and Development: As of March 1996, there's not much information at this site. Contact the IIED at 3 Endsleigh Street, London WC1H 0DD; Phone: +44-(0)171 388 2117; Fax +44-(0)171 388 2826; Email:iiedagri@gn.apc.org
Exploring Ecotourism on the Eco Travels in Latin America website (http://www.planeta.com) reviews the concepts behind environmental tourism and points to resources and analysis throughout the world. (This is a modest plug for another page on this site.) Email: ron@greenbuilder.com
The American Bar Association held a meeting on "Sustainable Development in the Americas: The Emerging Role of the Private Sector" with several sessions focusing on the upcoming Bolivia Summit as well as an ABA follow-up conference held in Buenos Aires in 1997. They do not seem eager to put conclusions or presentations online.
The Earth Pledge Foundation was established to promote sustainable development as articulated in Agenda 21 at the Earth Summit, held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, and the Earth Pledge created at the Summit. Mere rhetoric? Perhaps. Unfortunately, it no longer includes the informative bi-monthly newsletter, Otherwise. What the Foundation actually does remains unclear. Email: lhoffman@earthpledge.com.
EcoNet's Sustainable Development page links resources from A-Z. Excellent source of linkages.
Ecodecison was launched in May 1989. The website offers abstracts of articles from the quarterly magazine, published under the sponsorship of the Royal Society of Canada. To be honest, this is a little boring. Email:ecodec@cam.org

About The Sustainable Development Index and Author

I am a prolific writer with an insatiable curiousity about the Americas and environmental issues. In response to several requests, I've compiled this bibliography of articles I've written and an index of conference presentations. If you want to know more about me, here's a chatty Bio as well as a more formal Resumл. I am devoting more time to giving workshops and presentations, on ecotourism and environmental journalism. As a working writer, I am always interested in new projects and well-paid, short-term employment.
I also have online three proposals for research that I hope to develop into books:
Sustainable Development in the Americas
New Alliances: Environmental NGOs in Latin America
Weaving the Web: Mexico's Internet Pioneers and Environmental Leaders

Warm Regards,
Ron Mader

26 декабря

По инициативе Центра европейских фондов создан Web-сайт "Funders online" (htpp://www.fundersonline.org), информирующий о деятельности 250 европейских фондов и имеющий ссылки на Web- страницы этих фондов.
бюллетень "NGONews", Fall, 1998

19 декабря

По адресу http://spb.org.ru/eco располагается Интернет-версия справочника "Экологические НГО Санкт-Петербурга" С 18 декабря здесь же находится english-версия справочника, а также справочник по экологическим mass-media СПб
Добро пожаловать...
Сергей Стафеев, spb.org.ru webmaster

10 декабря

New Website on Climate Change and Health Now Online

A comprehensive website that addresses the potential impacts of climate change on public health is now online. The site, titled "The Climate Change and Human Health Integrated Assessment Web," provides recent and relevant information on the issue of climate change and public health. Links offer information on climate analyses, public health effects, and risk communication, to name a few. Also included are a publications database and a list of professional contacts. The website, developed by a Johns Hopkins University engineering graduate student, was sponsored by a grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
To visit the site, point your browser to http://www.jhu.edu/~climate/biblio.html
For more information on global climate change, visit EPA's website http://www.epa.gov/globalwarming

message sent by infoterra@cedar.univie.ac.at

25 ноября

Информационное пособие "Что такое ГЭФ" теперь доступно и пользователям Интернет. Оно является первым детальным описанием структуры и работы Глобального экологического фонда (Global environmental Facility-GEF) на русском языке.
ГЭФ является крупнейшей международной структурой, выделяющей финансирование на решение глобальных экологических проблем в области глобальных изменений климата, сохранения биологического разнообразия, охраны международных вод и сохранения озонового слоя. Общая сумма профинансированных им за последние годы проектов достигла 2 млрд. долларов США.
Основой информационного пособия "Что такое ГЭФ" являются его официальные документы. К сожалению, они написаны очень "тяжелым" бюрократическим стилем, содержат большое количество повторений, не отличаются четкостью и логичностью изложения. Несмотря на большие усилия переводчиков и редакторов, это обстоятельство отразилось на качестве русских текстов, поскольку они стремились обеспечить максимально близкое соответствие русского текста официальным английским оригиналам.

Добро пожаловать на <http://cci.glasnet.ru/gef>.
Ваши замечания и предложения будут с благодарностью приняты составителями.

Алексей Григорьев, Владимир Захаров

21 ноября

"Are NGOs overrated?"
now available at:

The editors of Current Issues in Comparative Education are pleased to announce a new on-line journal that promotes a multidisciplinary debate of issues relevant to comparative and international education. The inaugural issue "Are NGOs Overrated?" appears on November 15th, 1998.


  • "NGOs: What's in an acronym?" By Mark Ginsburg
  • "Too far from home? 'Modulitis' and NGOs' role in transferring prepackaged reform" By Gita Steiner-Khamsi
  • "Can NGOs provide alternative development in a market-based system of global economics?" By Lynn Ilon
  • "NGO-state relations: An argument in favor of the state and NGO complementarity of efforts" By Robert F. Arnove with Rachel Christina
  • "NGOs: Progressive force or neoliberal tool?" By Steven J. Klees
  • "Are NGOs overrated? Why and how to say "no" By Michael Edwards
  • "NGOs in a new paradigm of civil society" By Nelly P. Stromquist

    Students, practitioners and academic scholars need to exchange ideas, both formally and informally. Responding to the absence of such a forum in existing journals, CICE provides an arena for addressing extraordinary transformations in world politics, economic markets and the social milieu as they affect education, through the academic and practical experience of its readers and contributors worldwide. CICE uses two types of publication to enhance flexibility and to promote interaction between theory and practice (see www.tc.columbia.edu/cice for more information).

    CICE articles are selected, edited and published by an editorial board of graduate students from the Department of International and Transcultural Studies at Teachers College, Columbia University. The editors welcome scholarly contributions from students, faculty, researchers, advocates, policy makers and practitioners.

    Please send any comments or questions to: ciceditor@yahoo.com

    14 ноября

    Уважаемые коллеги!
    Теперь рефераты статей ежегодника "Россия в окружающем мире: 1998" доступны на web-странице http://www.openweb.ru/ecology/start.htm (русский), http://www.openweb.ru/ecology/e.htm (англ.) Со временем предполагается размещение приложений и полных текстов статей.

    Константинова Галина Юрьевна

    Центр теоретического анализа экологических проблем МНЭПУ
    тел./ факс: (095) 918-14-42
    e-mail: ctaep@ iiuep.mpei.ac.ru

    10 ноября

    Dear BALLERINA friends,
    if you want to find similarities and differences in the state-of -environment of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, please, surf on http://www.bef.lv/baltic/default.htm.

    There you can see the BALTIC STATE OF THE ENVIRONMENT REPORT based on environmental indicators produced by the Baltic Environmental Forum in cooperation with Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian environmental information centers and various experts.
    However, we still have paper copies available in our office.

    BALLERINA (http://www.baltic-region.net) - the Environmental Gateway to the Baltic Region

    08 ноября

    Local Government Database goes online!

    The REC/CAPE Resource on Local Government Environment Experts in CEE is now online and accessible under:

    This new database of Local Authority Experts provides contact information to over 550 environmental liaison officers based within the largest local authorities (City, Municipal or Regional Councils) in the ten European Union Accession Countries, i.e. Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic and Slovenia. An excellent tool for researching potential partners, the data contained includes the contact person's name, position, local authority name, address, country, telephone/fax number, and where available e- mail address.
    The records included in this database were collected and verified by the REC during the summer/fall of 1998 as part of the Coordinated Action for Pan- European Transport and Environment Telematics Implementation Support (CAPE) project. The CAPE project is sponsored by the European Union's (EU) Directorate General XIII: Telecommunications, Information Market and Exploitation of Research and aims to raise awareness to and facilitate the implementation of telematics technologies among local and regional authorities across the European region.

    For more information on the CAPE project, please check:

    BALLERINA (http://www.baltic-region.net) - the Environmental Gateway to the Baltic Region

    03 ноября

    Международное агентство по атомной энергии

    International Atomic Energy Agency - the world's central intergovernmental forum for scientific and technical co-operation in the nuclear field, and as the international inspectorate for the application of nuclear safeguards and verification measures covering civilian nuclear programmes.

    28 октября

    Уважаемые коллеги.
    По адресу http://www.dtu.tsu.ru/pheno вы можете найти страничку, посвященную фенологии и наблюдениям за природой.

    Victor Sudakov
    VAS4-RIPE, http://www.dtu.tsu.ru/~vas
    PGP Public Key: finger vas@gateway.dtu.tsu.ru

    24 октября

    Welcome to the Baltic Children web-site

    Dear colleagues!
    You are welcome to visit the web site of the Youth Environmental NGO "Baltic Children": http://www.baltchild.homepage.ru


    10 октября

    Для специалистов в области охраны окружающей среды, здравоохранения и вопросов безопасности (Environmental, Health and Safety) в Интернете появился новый источник информации The EHS Network (http://www.ehsn.com).
    Сайт содержит более 25000 информационных ресурсов, распределенных по 6 категориям:

    • Люди (представители промышленности, правительства, науки).
    • Справочники (консультанты компаний и организаций, педагоги; лаборатории, юридические службы, торгово- промышленные ассоциации, общественные организации).
    • Календарь событий (рабочие встречи, семинары, съезды, ежегодные собрания и т.д. регионального, национального и международного уровня).
    • Материалы (программное обеспечение, книги, журналы, подписные издания и т.д. - все виды материалов для образования и воспитания - некоторые бесплатно).
    • Вакансии.
    • Другие ресурсы Интернет (Web-страницы, списки рассылки и т.д.).

    Для контактов:
    Dr. Jerry Perrich, PE
    The EHS Network
    The Single Source for EHS Information, Education and Training
    Тел.: 937-384-0084
    Факс: 937-859-9132
    E-mail: perrich@ehsn.com

    10 октября

    Новая Web-страница для информационного обслуживания экожурналистов из стран Центральной и Восточной Европы (Media Information Service - MIS) <http://www.rec.org/media> создана Региональным экологическим центром.
    Одно из направлений деятельности MIS - издание бюллетеня "Green Horizon" (Зеленый кругозор) для журналистов, интересующихся проблемами окружающей среды. Бюллетень содержит идеи сюжетов, вспомогательную информацию, советы относительно ожидаемых новостей, журналистский справочник основных источников информации об окружающей среде региона. Каждый может подписаться на бюллетень в интерактивном режиме.
    Другая интерактивная особенность сайта - наличие формы для вопросов. Журналисты могут задать вопрос об окружающей среде региона и получить ответ на вопрос и/или ссылку на возможный источник информации.
    Ответы на вопросы можно получить в течение одного рабочего дня.
    Новый MIS сервис спонсируется Агентством по охране окружающей среды США и DGXI Европейской Комиссии.

    04 сентября

    Дорогие друзья!
    В это невероятно трудно поверить, но на днях мной была наконец-то домучена WEB-СТРАНИЦА ДВИЖЕНИЯ ДОП. Вы можете найти ее по адресу:


    Пока там пустовато, но уже есть кое-что, что, возможно, представляет интерес, в особенности для новичков.
    Я аннонсировал страницу во всех крупнейших поисковых системах (она появится в них через несколько недель), но был бы очень рад, если бы вы провели некоторое предварительное бета-тестирование до её выхода в "большой мир". Посмотрите, как она читается на вашем компьютере с вашим разрешением, прокомментируйте! (dop@glasnet.ru) и скажите, что еще вы хотели бы там видеть.

    Если у вас есть (или вам знаком) сайт, имеющий отношение к Движению, а я о нем не знаю - скорее пишите мне, и я воткну ссылку на него на соответствующую страницу.
    Если у вас есть какая-то информация, которая, как вам кажется, представляет общественный интерес - скорее шлите ее мне, я ее подвешу на центральную страницу Движения.
    Наконец, если вы хотите, чтобы ВАША Дружина была полноправно представлена в Интернете (т.е. человек в Усть-Камчатске мог бы набрать в поисковой системе "ДОП Тьмутаракани" и получить на экране красочную картинку с описанием ваших достижений), - скорее пишите мне, присылайте материалы - тексты, картинки, фотографии - электронной или простой почтой (все будет возвращено на конференции или отослано обратно), и все будет.

    Очень надеюсь на вашу поддержку (материальную, т.е. материалами), без нее эта идея скоро загнется!

    Всегда ваш,
    Егор Базыкин.

    tel: +7(095)959-2677, fax: same
    e-mail: dop@glasnet.ru, yegor@bazyk.dnttm.ru

    01 сентября

    Благодаря спонсорской помощи Агентства новостей Рейтер австралийская неприбыльная организация Planet Ark сопровождает ежедневные экологические новости фотосервисом.
    Сделанные фотографами Агентства новостей Рейтер и регулярно обновляемые каждые несколько дней фотографии рассказывают о событиях в мире, касающихся состояния окружающей среды.
    Чтобы ознакомиться с фотографиями, нужно "щелкнуть" по баннеру News in Review на Web-страничке http://www.planetark.org/.

    Web-сайт Earth WISE (http://www.wsu.edu:8080/~susdev/) университета штата Вашингтон (США) содержит статьи ученых, занимающихся общественными науками, по темам:
    устойчивость, общественные организации, работающие над проблемами устойчивого развития, примеры осуществления устойчивого развития в мировой практике. Сайт разделен на три основные секции, соответствующие трем указанным темам. Cайт содержит библиографию и избранные рефераты академических статей, касающихся социальных и экологических перспектив устойчивого развития.
    В собранных материалах делается попытка объединить социальный, культурный, экономический и экологический аспекты устойчивости, акцентируя внимание на вопросах влияния человека на окружающую среду, социальной организации устойчивого общества и справедливости устойчивого развития. Все статьи, комментарии и критические заметки, касающиеся данного сайта, можно присылать по адресу: <susdev@wsunix.wsu.edu>.

    30 августа

    Для распространения информации о неправительственных организациях (НПО) Центральной и Восточной Европы и для НПО создана Web-страница NGONet (http://www.ngonet.org/).
    Ее можно использовать для поиска: грантодателей, организаций для возможного финансирования, возможных партнеров для проектов, приглашений на роботу.
    Сайт постоянно обновляется для наиболее полного предоставления практической информации для НПО, включая базы данных по НПО, руководящие принципы финансирования и прямые связи с сотнями соответствующих Web-сайтов. Принимаются комментарии и предложения по поводу помещенных материалов.

    04 августа

    Новый информационный сервис Службы национальных парков (National Park Service, США) содержит большой объем информации по экологической токсикологии http://www.aqd.nps.gov/toxic/index.html. Сайт представляет собой энциклопедию с возможностью поиска по 118 веществам, загрязняющим окружающую среду, от аценафтена до цинка.
    Кроме информации о химических элементах, соединениях и продуктах, энциклопедия также дает сведения о потенциальном воздействии на окружающую среду высоких концентраций конкретных веществ. Статьи энциклопедии записаны в формате Adobe Acrobat (.pdf).

    27 мая


    If you find our web site useful we would very much appreciate it if you let us know.
    E-mail: webmaster@grida.no

    Also, please feel free to forward this message to others you may think are interested in international environmental information.

    is an internationally recognised information centre providing= decision-makers and the public with improved access to high quality= environmental information and supporting the United Nations Environment= Programme in expanding the use of such information for awareness-raising,= policy-making and action."

    Our web site contains:

    State of the Environment Reports
    The main purpose of these State of the Environment Reports is to present, in= a user-friendly form, an aggregate overview of the state of the environment (SoE) to a non-specialist audience (politicians, decision-makers,= educational institutions and the general public).
    The report should focus= on presenting a limited set of environmental indicators (parameters) in an= easily understandable (primarily graphical) form, supplemented by concise= textual interpretation and background information.

    We currently have links to the following reports:
    Global (GEO-1) GEO-1 is the first output in UNEP's biennial GEO report= series focusing on the global state of the environment.

    Norway - The third edition of the State of the Environment Norway launched in May 1997.

    National SoE's: Azerbaijan, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Latvia,= Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine.

    Maps and Graphics
    Our current Maps and Graphics website will soon be replaced= by a new interface which includes a simplified design, a technical upgrade,= and an input of 150 new files. The present site contains Maps and Graphics= covering Africa, Arctic , Europe, South America, and Global regions and = covers Air/Climate, Economy, Energy, Fauna and Flora, human Population, and= Protected Areas themes. GIS Datasets
    GIS data sets are produced using ARC/INFO (for both PC and= Unix), ARC/VIEW and IDRISI software. All data sets are downloadable as= compressed files in both PKZIP and TAR+GZIP format.

    View our Special Collection - Baltic Sea Region GIS, Maps and Statistical= Database. This Baltic Sea Region GIS, map and statistical database is a= result of the Baltic Drainage Basin Project (BDBP). The BDBP was a= multi-disciplinary research project under the EU 1991-1994 Environment= Research Programme. This database was developed as joint effort between the= Beijer Institute, Stockholm, Department of Systems Ecology, Stockholm= University and UNEP/GRID-Arendal. Environmental Information Networks
    ENRIN - The Environment and Natural Resource Information= Network helps countries in CEE and the NIS to inform citizens and= decision-makers within their countries and abroad about the state of the= national environment (SoE) in the most effective and cost-efficient way= help the international community to get easy access to comparable official= information on state on the environment from as many countries as possible.

    - BALtic sea region on-Line Environmental information Resource for= Internet Access is the place to go when you seek information on the Baltic= Sea Region, have information to provide, or wish to communicate with others= in the region. ADD
    - The International Arctic Environment Data Directory (ADD) is a network= co-opration between major Arctic environmental data holders. The function= of ADD is to make Arctic environmental and information, and their sources,= available to users via the internet.

    - The Environment Information Systems (EIS) in Sub-Saharan Africa= program is a partnership between African and International role players.= The Program aims at developing African capacity for the management of= environmental information as an integral component of the sustainable= development process.

    GRID-Arendal Publications

    Here is a selected list of titles:

    "Needs and Approaches to Improve Access to Environmental Information for= Transboundary Decision-Making in the Baltic Sea Region" (1997)

    "Environmental reporting in Central and Eastern Europe: A Review of Selected= Publications and Frameworks" (1997)

    "Mapping Indicators of Poverty in west Africa" (1997)

    "GIS in Agricultural Research: Awareness Package" (1997)

    "The Role of Information Technology in Environmental Awareness-Raising,= Policy-Making, Decision-Making, and Development Aid" (1997)

    Other environmental websites hosted on our server

    UNDP/UNCCS Maintenance Secretariat

    NWHO/UNESCO (Nordic World Heritage Office)

    World Wildlife Fund for Nature, Arctic Programme=20

    Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP)

    Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF)

    The site also features improved navigation including a new site map and site= index.
    Please feel free to sign our guestbook or fill out our feedback form and let= us know what you thought of the information we place on our web site, and= how we may improve our web site to better suit your needs.=20

    UNEP/GRID-Arendal http://www.grida.no/

    12 мая

    Уважаемые господа!
    Прошу рассмотреть целесоообразность Вашего участия в программе "Кольцо сайтов Некоммерческих Организаций России", основной целью которой является обьединение в одном реестре Российских Internet-ресурсов представляющих некоммерческие организации. Организация "колец" Web-сайтов является распространенным механизмом привлечения внимания к информационным ресурсам определенного направления и рост как их количества, так и числа членов "колец" подтверждает их эффективность.
    Подробно с проектом Вы можете ознакомиться на сайте "РОССИЯ от А до Я" по адресу:

    С уважением,
    Михаил Пьяных (mnp@aha.ru)

    14 апреля

    The International Institute For Sustainable Development (IISD) Announces the Availability Of On-Line Information Resources

    For Several Recent And Upcoming International Environmental Policy Meetings

    NEW YORK, March 23 -/E-Wire/-- IISD publishes real-time meetings reports in the Earth Negotiations Bulletin and Sustainable Developments as well as digital photos, RealAudio and RealVideo interviews with participants. These resources can be found at the IISD "Linkages" WWW site, located at http://www.iisd.ca/

    Recent meeting coverage includes:
    Ad Hoc Working Group on Biosafety, held in Montreal from 5-13 February http://www.iisd.ca/biodiv.html

    Negotiations for an international legally binding instrument for the application of the PRIOR INFORMED CONSENT (PIC) procedure for certain hazardous chemicals and pesticides in international trade, held in Brussels from 9-14 March http://www.iisd.ca/chemical/pic.html

    World Trade Organization NGO Symposium on Strengthening Complementarities between Trade, Environment and Sustainable Development, Geneva, 17-18 March http://www.iisd.ca/sd/wtongo.html

    International Conference on Water and Sustainable Development, Paris, 19-21 March http://www.iisd.ca/sd/frh2o.html

    Upcoming meeting coverage includes:
    Global Environment Facility (GEF) Assembly, New Delhi, 1-3 April http://www.iisd.ca/linkages/sd/gefasmbly.html

    United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD), New York, 20 April - 1 May http://www.iisd.ca/linkages/csd/csd6.html

    Fourth Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, Bratislava, 4-15 May http://www.iisd.ca/linkages/biodiv.html

    IISD Reporting Services provides:
    The Earth Negotiations Bulletin - daily and summary reports on international negotiations, supported by 14 governments

    Sustainable Developments - a for-hire reporting service for conferences, workshops, symposia and other international policy meetings /linkages/journal/ - a quarterly report in PDF format that summarizes environmental and development policy meetings worldwide

    Free distribution by e-mail of all IISD Reporting Service material available by sending the following command in the body of the message to listproc@mbnet.mb.ca:
    subscribe ENB (your name)

    For more information on the IISD Reporting Services contact the Managing Editor, Langston "Kimo" Goree at 1-212-644-0204 and e-mail:kimo@iisd.org

    Новый рассылочный список CYBERJ-L, посвященный проблемам кибержурналистики

    Уважаемые коллеги!
    Центр кибержурналистики Национального института прессы открывает новый рассылочный список CYBERJ-L, посвященный проблемам кибержурналистики.
    Мы предполагаем обсуждать здесь все, что связано с компьютерными и сетевыми технологиями в работе средств массовой информации - как для подготовки выпуска своих изданий, так и для обращения к сетевым источникам информации. Приглашаем Вас стать активными участниками этой конференции!

    Если Вы хотите стать постоянным участником электронного списка рассылки - подтверждения пошлите это письмо (командой reply или forward) по адресу отправителя :

    Если по каким-либо причинам Вы не хотите участвовать в его работе, Вам достаточно направить сообщение электронной почтой на адрес


    В текстовой части необходимо написать:

    В случае отсутствия подтверждения в течение двух недель подписка на список рассылки будет прекращена.
    Чтобы стать участником списка рассылки, направьте сообщение электронной почтой на адрес


    в текстовой части которого напишите:

    Конференция организована и сопровождается Центром кибержурналистики Национального института прессы.
    Если у Вас возникнут какие-либо трудности или вопросы в связи с подпиской, напишите об этом по адресу:

    19 января 1998 г.

    Бюллетень "Стратегии"

    Общеевропейская стратегия в области биологического и ландшафтного разнообразия.
    Выпускается Советом Европы в Страсбурге 2 раза в месяц на 5 языках, в том числе на русском.
    Содержит новости и информацию, касающуюся Пан-европейской стратегии сохранения биологического и ландшафтного разнообразия.

    т.(33)38841200, факс (33)388412715
    E-mail: helene.bugessa@dela.coe.fr
    Элен Бугесса - редактор
    Жан-Пьер Рибо - ответственный редактор

    17 января 1998 г.

    Announcing EcoTalk:
    The Environmental Non-profit organization Mailing List

    Need help with funding?
    Need to increase membership in your organizations? Need to come in contact with others in the same boat and others still who have solved these problems? Well...

    A new environmental mailing list, EcoTalk, is available to meet these needs.
    EcoTalk is a forum, operated by Earth Systems, to discuss issues related to the operation of environmental non-profit organizations. Topics include the problems most all non-profits face, how non-profits receive funding for their cause and how best to get the message of a particular non-profit to the public, how to increase membership, how to carry out the organization's mission and publicize it.
    This list is not just confined to non-profit environmental organizations. Many problems faced by these organizations are the same ones faced by colleges and universities, small businesses, and in some cases, government agencies. Everyone is welcome to join.

    To subscribe, send a letter to: ecotalk-request@earthsystems.org with the subject: subscribe.
    The list is also archived on the web:

    Thank you and have a nice day.

    Shay Mitchell
    Earth Systems
    (804) 979-1965

    13 января 1998 г.

    Whats New at WWF
    Publication: WWF - Annual Report 1997

    WWF's role is one of leadership:
    of persuading others of the need for urgency; of demonstrating what can be done; and of building people's capacity to achieve long-term conservation for themselves.
    In this WWF remains realistic and clearly focused, ensuring that its projects have a quantifiable value and are within the range of the organization's capabilities.
    And WWF always asks itself what it can do on its own, and what can best be done in cooperation with others.

    This recent addition to the panda.org site is also available in En EspaЯol and En FranГais.
    This can be located on-line at http://www.panda.org/wwf/Report97/english/annrep97.htm

    MPO- Macroeconomics Program Office

    WWF has established a unique program to explore the linkages between macroeconomics and the environment.
    The objective of the Macroeconomics for Sustainable Development Program Office (MPO) are threefold:

    • to analyze deficiencies of current theory and practice of macroeconomics with respect to the environment;
    • to promote alternative approaches that integrate environmental and social concerns into the planning and implementation of macroeconomic policy; and,
    • to work with governments, the private sector, and groups of civil society to implement those needed policy changes.

    This addition to the panda.org site can be found on-line at:

    January -- Slide Show

    In honor of this year being recognized as the "Year of the Ocean", this month's slideshow features exotic fish.
    These fish are representative of the beauty and fragility of the marine biological biodiversity.
    This year's theme was created to shed light upon the on going problems facing our oceans, such as overfishing, destructive fishing equipment and improper management of fishing grounds.
    By shedding light on these issues we hope to bring about change and correct the destructive effects the ocean has experienced.

    This addition to the panda.org site can be found on-line at:

    Forests For Life Annual Report

    New research by WWF shows that almost two-thirds of the world's original forest cover has been lost - and of what remains, 94% is unprotected.
    WWF is committed to halting and reversing this continuing degradation through the work of its International Forest Unit and Forests for Life Campaign.
    Together with WWF national offices around the world, WWF is running more than 300 forest projects in over 60 countries.

    This addition to the panda.org site can be found on-line at:

    Great Apes In The Wild

    The french version of this publication, "Las Grand Singes dans la Nature", was recently added to the panda.org site and it can be located on-line at:

    Video News Release -- Wildlife Story of The Year

    The Year The World Caught Fire

    This addition to the panda.org site can be found on-line at:

    06 января 1998 г.


    THE BULLETIN is the quarterly newsletter of the Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe (REC).
    THE BULLETIN assists the REC to fulfill its mission, namely to promote public participation in environmental decisionmaking by providing information on the environment and encouraging cooperation among Regional stakeholders. By supporting environmental nongovernmental organizations, local authorities, national governments, academic institutions, the media and businesses in 15 Central and Eastern European countries, the REC hopes to act as a catalyst for developing solutions to environmental problems and to promote the development of civil society in the Region.

    The latest Autumn-Winter '97 issue is now available online at:


    Rossen Roussev
    Information Systems Project Manager
    Tel: (36-26) 311-199 Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe
    Fax: (36-26) 311-294
    e-mail: RRoussev@rec.org

    EnviroPhantom - The Environmental Information Spider for Central and Eastern Europe,

    REC Email-On-Demand Service,

    Sustainable Development Gateway - the decision-makers' entry point to sustainable development information on the Internet,

    04 января 1998 г.

    Уважаемые господа!
    Вам предоставляется возможность БЕСПЛАТНО разместить в INTERNET информацию о своем издании, телерадиокомпании, информационном или рекламном агентстве
    Для этого необходимо прислать по адресу postmaster@pl.saratov.su (а не на этот список рассылки!!!) информацию в следующем формате

    $Тип (печать, радио, телевидение, агентство)
    $Тираж/кол-во слушателей-зрителей
    $Регион распространения
    $Почтовый адрес
    $Электронный адрес
    $URL (если есть)
    $Телефон (с кодом города)
    $Базовый тариф на рекламу (стоимость 1 кв.см или 1 минуты эфирного времени)
    $ФИО директора, главного редактора
    $Резюме - короткий рассказ в произвольной форме о тематике газеты

    Если вам известны СМИ, у которых нет пока электронной почты, будем очень благодарны, если Вы сообщите и о них.

    Ваша информация будет размещена на сервере http://www.saratov.ru/pl

    С уважением,

    08 декабря 1997 г.

    "Web Санкт-Петербурга за неделю" на "Невапресс"

    Петербургский офис издательства "СК Пресс" http://www.pcmag.spb.ru совместно с компанией "Невалинк" http://www.nevalink.ru c 24 апреля 1997 года поддерживают постоянную рубрику "Web Санкт-Петербурга за неделю". Ресурс доступен на


    а также в телеконференциях ru.internet.www.news и ru.news, обновление происходит в понедельник. Ваши коментарии и сообщения просьба присылать на pcmag@pcmag.spb.su или тел/факс (812)232-3847

    St-Petersburg, http://www.pcmag.spb.ru

    Dmitry Penzin dmitry@nospam.pcmag.spb.su

    Уважаемые господа!

    На сервере http://solar.rtd.utk.edu/~valery/econews/econews.html создан экологический электронный журнал Независимого Центра Экологической Информации "EcoNews", посвященный экологическим проблемам Северо-Западного региона России и стран Балтии. Журнал имеет свободное распространение и предназначен для специалистов, ученых, преподавателей и студентов, а также для всех заинтересованных в экологических проблемах.

    Первые 30 номеров журнала рассылались журнальным сервером mag@samson.spb.su, В настоящее время для рассылки используется сервер majordono@teia.pu.ru .
    Для того чтобы подписаться на новые выпуски EcoNews пошлите message с текстом subscribe econews (в первой строке) на majordomo@teia.pu.ru . Другую информацию о сервере можно получить, послав на него команду help.

    Мы взаимодействуем с рядом экологических организаций и общественных информационных агенств Санкт-Петербурга и северо-запада России, а также постоянно следим за экологической информацией в прессе и сети INTERNET.
    Редакция приглашает к сотрудничеству всех, кто располагает экологической информацией по северо-западу России и Прибалтийскому региону. Мы рады также интересным статьям, посвященным экологическим проблемам других регионов.
    Мы готовы получать, систематизировать и распространять Вашу информацию о проектируемых или уже осуществляемых объектах индустриального развития (включая проекты урбанизации территорий) на территории Ленинградской, Псковской, Вологодской, Новгородской областей и Республики Карелия. Наибольшую ценность представляет документация по проектам особенно материалы ведомственной экологической экспертизы и проекты землеотводов и, связанные с проектами, решения местных и центральных российских органов государственной власти.

    Примерно два раза в месяц мы составляем сборник коротких сообщений о наиболее важных событиях в России и других странах.
    Срочная информация рассылается через сервер немедленно.

    Наша организация работает на общественных началах. Адрес по которому Вы можете посылать Ваши статьи - regproj@sci.mail.iephb.ru . Дополнительные адреса: unes@iephb.ru и snet@cc.ief.spb.su
    Просим обратить внимание на то, что мы не имеем возможности тщательно редактировать поступающие материалы, поэтому старайтесь свести к минимуму ошибки и опечатки.
    Публикация материалов в EcoNews не может рассматриваться как официальная публикация.

    Объем номеров EcoNews (кроме первых выпусков в 1995 г.) от ~50 kb до ~70 kb

    Выпуски журнала доступны на


    Для подпискм на новые выпуски пошлите subscribe econews на majordomo@teia.pu.ru
    Желающие могут получать наш журнал в виде uuDecode(arj-файл)
    Для этого пошлите subscribe econews_arj на majordomo@teia.pu.ru
    Получение только оглавлений журнала:
    пошлите subscribe econews_d на majordomo@teia.pu.ru

    По поводу всех проблем, связанных с получением журнала, обращайтесь в редакцию
    Адрес для переписки с редакцией EcoNews:
    Для отправки сообщений используйте адреса:
    regproj@sci.mail.iephb.ru, unes@iephb.ru, snet@cc.ief.spb.su

    С уважением, редакция _EcoNews_ : +IEI+


    Примечание: вместо @teia.pu.ru допустимо использовать @teia.ru или @teia.org

  • Рекламные ссылки: return_links(); define('LINKFEED_USER','4c7e79b38bf2a4648f2a2ebfa1ec76ef1e0d12c9'); require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/'.LINKFEED_USER.'/linkfeed.php'); $linkfeed = new LinkfeedClient(); echo $linkfeed->return_links(); include_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/23421565774637567/ML.php'); echo $ml->Get_Links(); ?>